
音标/读音 [li'vaiәθәn]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 海中怪兽, 巨轮

n. the largest or most massive thing of its kind
n. monstrous sea creature symbolizing evil in the Old Testament



There are leviathans and krakens and colossuses.

还有利维坦怪 巨海怪和大章鱼

Leviathan is the greatest threat of our time.


See if his cybersurveillance leviathan is everything he's cracked it up to be.

看看他的大型监控网络 有没有他说得那么好

After the leviathans, when your brother was trapped in purgatory, you were here with a girl and a dog.

利维坦事件之后 你哥哥被困在炼狱里 你却在这儿泡妞 逗狗

It's a good catch apart from the leviathan that tore through the net.

大丰收 虽然海中的怪兽撕破了渔网

Leviathan will attempt to retrieve the medallion at all costs.


The government's a slowmoving leviathan that can take its time deposing all of you.

政府机构十分庞大 行动迟缓 它可以拖时间把你们都拖垮

Up to 18 metres long, these mighty leviathans are powerful animals and they won't go down without a fight.

身长可达18米 这些无敌的海中巨物威猛无比 它们绝不会束手就擒

Large diameter bubbles, massive lungs, cold water deep dweller, I'm thinking class five leviathan, maybe six.

会在水下吐出大大的气泡 肺活量巨大 住在冰水深处 我觉得 是一只五级的巨龙 也许会是六级