
音标/读音 [ә'baund]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vi. 大量存在, 富于, 充满

v. be abundant or plentiful; exist in large quantities
v. be in a state of movement or action



Rumors abounded that they had their own agenda, which was less than altruistic, if not improper or illegal.

有谣言说他们有自己的规则 只要合理合法 就完全不用为别人着想

I would like you to be the first recipient of $50,000 from the love abounds foundation.

我希望你成为爱心基金会第一位 五万美元的受捐者

Suitors abound, offering horses by the score for an opportunity to wrestle and win her.

她的追求者不计其数 他们献上大量马匹 就为争取一个机会与她摔跤赢她

Like flowers in the desert or rain on a cloudless day, surprises abound.

就像沙漠中的花 晴天里的雨 充满惊喜

Here, art abounds that's intended to lift the spirits and proclaim the wonder of the modern age.

在这里 大量艺术品旨在震慑人心 意在宣告现代的奇迹

Spent his days plumbing uncomfortable truths about his patient's most closelyheld secrets, so motives abound.

他整日研究挖掘那些病人身上 让人不舒服的真相和深埋的秘密 有动机的人比比皆是

Theories abound as to why the author wanted to keep his identity a secret, but the most likely is that he feared retribution from the mob.

有各种理论猜想过为什么作者 想要让自己的身份保密 但最有可能的是他害怕黑帮的报复

For in the vacuum created by the loss of what is most precious, opportunity abounds, influence is maximized, and desire becomes destiny.

因为在失去最珍贵之物造成的缺憾中 富含契机 影响最大化 渴求之物手到擒来

If the bargain changes, there is no telling what else will change as a result what trust may be lost and what chaos may abound.

如果契约有变 结果其他什么会随之改变 谁都说不准 信任会流失 混乱比比皆是

As long as those men roam free, strife will endure, fear will abound, and progress will elude us.

一旦这样的人逍遥法外 就会冲突不断 恐惧比比皆是 社会就无法进步