
音标/读音 ['pistәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 活塞, 活塞阀键
[医] 活塞(如注射器的)

n. United States neoclassical composer (1894-1976)
n. mechanical device that has a plunging or thrusting motion



In here, you have a piston and the piston is attached to a stub that comes up through here, the stub is attached to the carriage.

在这里 有一个依附在铁杆上的活塞 铁杆从这里伸出来 固定在车厢上

Legs pumping like a pair of pistons.


The pistons just won't fire right without it.

没有油 活塞就打不着火

Kid's gonna fire his pistons after the first 200.


I've got the brains you need to keep all your pistons firing.


Ah, I've heard of those, usually a tube fitted with a piston.

我听说过这玩意儿 通常是把活塞塞进管子里

In my factory pistons nodded like melancholy mad elephants.

在我的工厂里 活塞像忧郁而疯狂的大象一样点头

He breaks two ribs pumping till the pistons start firing again.

为了抽泵机 他断了两条肋骨 活塞才再次点火

It's the rotor, and the cap, one of the pistons is broken, and it needs a new crankshaft.

还有转轴 还有盖子 其中一个活塞还坏了 还需要一个新的曲柄轴

I knew the grinding of the gears and the rumbling of the pistons as well as I knew my own heartbeat.

我对齿轮的磨损和活塞的隆隆声 如同对我自己的心跳般了如指掌