
音标/读音 ['keislәjd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[法] 工作量, 承办案件数



But the truth is we had caseloads beforehand, and those caseloads still need to be resolved.

但我们手头还有很多案子 等着我们去处理

I was just keeping up with the rest of our caseload.


The boys back at the station are going over our caseload.


Can you tell us about his current caseload.


Yeah, I went to see about our judge's caseload.

对 我去看看法官的案子

You're a busy, good guy with a heavy caseload.


I've got all the last guy's caseload, plus new patients.

我接手了上一任医生的病例 加上新的病人

Well, my caseload is light, so I thought it would be a good time to help.

我的办案量不大 所以我觉得应该趁这个时候多帮帮忙

I'd say yes, but I barely remember my caseload from last week.

我想说是的 但上个星期的代理案件我都不太记得了

Government's dropped a caseload the size of an aircraft carrier on my plate.

政府向我施加的案件工作量 像航空母舰一样大