
音标/读音 ['tʃeindʒliŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 被偷换后留下的孩童, 矮小丑陋的小孩, 低能儿

n. a child secretly exchanged for another in infancy



There were ways to banish a changeling, remedies that could cure you if they didn't kill you first, like holding a changeling over the fire until it could no longer stand the heat.

也确实有办法可以驱逐化身妖精 可以"治愈"你的处方 如果你能活得下来的话 治疗方法有 将化身妖精放在火上烤 直到它无法忍受热度

The death of our family often occurs during the nine days of a changelings abduction, to distract the bereaved family members from getting those taken by the changelings back in due time.

爱人被化身妖精绑架的九天里 往往会有家人过世 以分散其哀痛中的家人的注意力 无法在时限内救回被化身妖精绑架的人

If the changeling is discovered, you will not be so useful any more.

如果换灵公主被人发现 你就毫无用处了

This is not a changeling. It's just a sick child.

这不是调换儿 只是个病了的孩子

It was from these rings that changelings would emerge in search of humans.

正是通过这些妖精圈 化身妖精得以现身世间 寻找人类

These creatures were a type of fairy called a changeling.

这些生物是一种妖精 被称为化身妖精

Ye know it's a changeling because it doesn't thrive and grow.

你知道那就是个调换儿 因为它长不大

Three times the changeling will deny our questions.


But there was also a superstition: the changelings had the power to steal her away.

但还有一种迷信 化身妖精有将她们 偷走的力量

She loves it at first, but then looks at it as if it were a changeling child, which of course it is.

她起初很喜欢 但后来越看 越觉得这是调换的孩子 因为那本来就是