
音标/读音 ['fju:ә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 较少的

a. (comparative of `few' used with count nouns) quantifier meaning a smaller number of



Although these days there are fewer and fewer of them.


Fewer and fewer of us are actually sitting through these.


You mean "fewer" relatives means "fewer" gifts.


But with fewer and fewer birds wintering here, of course it's been encroached on.

但随着来这里过冬的鸟越来越少 这片地渐渐就被侵占了

Fewer guns on the street means fewer shootings.

街上的*越少 枪击案就越少

But, seriously, fewer and fewer people are coming to church.

但是說真的 越來越少有人來教堂了

Well, you can ask him, but, uh, understand that his moments of lucidity are fewer and fewer.

你可以问问看 但请理解 他清醒的时间已经越来越少了

And from now on, there's going to be more and more people chasing fewer and fewer jobs, so it's probably time.

今后 只会有越来越多的人 追求越来越少的职位 所以 大概时机也到了

We should have a lot fewer downvotes and we don't.

反对的声音应该更少 但事与愿违

They're weaker. I think there's fewer of them.

它們更虛弱了 我覺得它們變少了