
音标/读音 ['ti:kʌp]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 茶杯, 满茶杯

n. as much as a teacup will hold
n. a cup from which tea is drunk



We're gonna do it on top of teacups.


That's why I love you, my little teacup.

所以我才爱你 我的小茶杯

He was cryin' his eyes out over by the spinnin' teacups or some such.

他在旋转茶杯 之类的地方边上嚎啕大哭

Sometimes they only get to spin the teacups.

没福分的就只能在一旁 玩玩咖啡"杯"

It wasn't a toy poodle. It was a teacup poodle.

那甚至不是玩具贵宾犬 是茶杯贵宾犬

Occasionally, I drop a teacup to shatter on the floor.

有时 我会把茶杯摔碎到地上

I had to replace my beloved hounds with teacup poodles.


We would have the standard and the miniature poodle, but no toy or teacup.

我们现在只会有标准型跟迷你型贵宾犬 不会有玩具型跟茶杯型

This way, he thinks it's just a storm in a teacup.

這樣的話 他會以為只是小題大做[茶杯風暴]

The teacup sold today, for 36 million.

那个茶杯今天卖掉了 卖了三千六百万