
音标/读音 ['intrikәsi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 纷乱, 复杂, 错综

n marked by elaborately complex detail



I'm struck once again by the intricacy of these objects.

它们的繁复程度 令我一再惊讶

They were amazed at the detail and the intricacy.


See the rhythm, the intricacies of the flowers.

看出规律了吗 花瓣的刀法

I don't pretend to understand the intricacies of your life.


It's looking after the exhibits, recording their intricacies.

就是负责打理展品 记录它们的各种情况

I must now learn the intricacies of the ritual.


A forum for public discourse and the intricacies of the rule of law.

是一个探讨公共事务 和精妙法律的论坛

Their entire system falls to pieces if they don't abide by all its silly intricacies.

如果不遵守那些愚蠢又复杂的程序 他们整个体系就会错乱

Madame, not everyone can appreciate the intricacies of a freeform jazz odyssey.

太太 不是每个人都能欣赏 随性爵士乐之美的

And to learn the intricacies of running a multimillion dollar company built on talent, wisdom, and courage.

并学习如何经营一家 建立在才华 智慧和勇气上的 价值数百万美元的公司