
音标/读音 ['mitn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 连指手套, 拳击手套

n. glove that encases the thumb separately and the other four fingers together



It's 70 degrees, you didn't need mittens.

外面有21度 你不需要戴连指手套

While I was out shopping, I got these little mittens.

我买东西的时候 看到了这些小手套

She gon' be fresh to death in her mittens.


Well, it was either this or warm, woolen mittens.


I would shake your hand, but my mom is washing my mittens.

我很乐意跟你握手 但我的手套我妈拿去洗了

Before you know it, you'll be back to mittens and multiplication tables again.

时间很快 一不留神 又会回归戴手套的冬天 省吃俭用过日子

So... unless you're really into wearing mittens, this is your last chance.

除非你们特别喜欢戴连指手套 这是你们最后的机会了

Oh, yeah, those mittens are super dope too, bro.

那雙小手套也超級酷炫呢 伙計

Mittens will be back to normal size in no time.


My equally strong hands are equally in need of some mittens.
