
音标/读音 ['mis'di:d]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 罪行, 犯罪
[法] 不端行为, 犯罪, 恶性

n improper or wicked or immoral behavior



"or be tormented from the guilt of your misdeed.


We were able to break down all of your misdeeds.


I think you've all heard about his recent misdeeds.


We cannot allow ourselves to be judged by the misdeeds of our past.

我们不能放任自己用过去的错误 来评判自己

All my misdeeds are behind us, hanya tavo.

我做的那些事都过去了 女儿

Maybe you should give up this life of misdeeds and manipulation.


So you can reward her for your misdeed by having her reward us with her information.

所以你这是用你的罪过补偿她 而她则用她掌握的信息帮助我们

I absorb the misdeeds of others, darkening my soul to keep theirs pure.

我吸纳他人的罪行 污浊我的灵魂来保持他们灵魂的圣洁

Brave of you, or perhaps wise, to keep the evidence of your misdeeds under your own roof.

你很勇敢 甚至可以说睿智 将你犯下罪行的证据留在自己的屋檐下

He stole all that is dear to me and waged interplanetary war to cover his misdeeds.

他投了所有对我很重要的东西 为了掩盖自己的恶行 挑起了星际战争