
音标/读音 ['beikәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 面包店

n. a workplace where baked goods (breads and cakes and pastries) are produced or sold



After that, he and I chatted about ways to improve the bakery, and now you're looking at the new bakery clerk.

之后我又跟他聊了聊面包房的改进事宜 于是我就成了面包房的新任店员

I've got a bakery concept that I wanna launch, and I'm learning how some of the big bakery concepts launch.

我想开个面包店 我在学习那些 大面包店是怎么经营的

She told me about this morning at the bakery.


I think there's a bakery down the street.


It's strange here, too, and we have a bakery for dogs.

在这里也很奇怪 这里还有给狗去的面包店呢

And you cosign a loan for my bakery.


Why? I'm going to open my own bakery.

为什么 我要开自己的面包店

That's right! It would be like you had your own bakery.

没错 就像是你有了属于自己的面包店一样

It's a bakery, but with dog trainers.

是个烘焙活动 但由训犬师参加

Well, this job at the bakery relaxes me.
