
音标/读音 ['sjuːpəkɑː]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 超级跑车



A modern supercar may be no faster than these monsters from the past, but a modern supercar makes the speed fun and easy, not terrifying and bathed in an unholy mix of sweat and faeces.

现代超跑也许没有这些 来自过去的怪物那么快 但是现代的超跑可以 让你轻松的体会到速度的乐趣 而不至于吓到半死 然后泡在汗液和粪便的混合物中

I can't be rolling up in a supercar.


I'm in a supercar on a cobbled street.


But this is no ordinary midengine supercar.


Let's all laugh at the man who was panini'd by a supercar.

我们都来嘲笑那个 被超级跑车撞成肉饼的人吧

Most supercars would flow up a hill like this, but this is more staccato.

在这样的山路上 大多数超跑都能平滑顺畅地驶过 但是Chiron就好像跳音一样 一蹦一跳的

You said "rewriting the supercar rule book".

你说这辆车是 "重新制定了超跑规则"

So I'm in a 1,241 brake horsepower, allelectric supercar.

因此我正坐在一辆拥有1241匹马力 纯电动超级跑车里

And you might imagine that, on roads like this, a midengine supercar would be divine.

你可能会想 在这样的山路上 一辆中置引擎的超跑一定是极好的

Honestly, this thing is rewriting the supercar rule book, in my mind.

发自内心地讲 我认为这辆车正在改写我的心中的超跑界规则