
音标/读音 ['tʌnәliŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

隧道效应, 开挖隧道

v move through by or as by digging
v force a way through



It charts all the tunnels, except for tunnel 13.


We worry about transportation tunnels, in particular, tunnels that traverse rivers where parts of the tunnels are rooted in solid rock and other parts are resting on soft sediment.

我们也担心交通隧道的稳固性 特别是横穿在河底的隧道 它们一半建立在相对稳固的基岩中 而另一半则建在较软的淤积层上

The tunnel opens into a system of other tunnels, unstable at the best of times.

那条隧道还连接着其他一系列的隧道 就算在情况最好的时候也不稳定

at the exhaust tunnels? I put a twoman team on it, but no way then can know about those tunnels.

有你的人吗 我派了一支两人小队去那 但他们不可能发现那个隧道

Uh, if you drive on the shoulder and turn right just as you exit the tunnel, the tunnel's cameras can miss you, but the cameras at the next intersection will not.

如果你把车开在路肩上 在离开隧道时右转 摄像头就拍不到了 但是下一个十字路口的摄像头就能拍到了

So, we have to lure him into the tunnels.

这么说 我们得把他引诱到隧道来

Through these same tunnels, flooding them all.

还是从相同的隧道走 把这些都淹了

which your people are tunneling in to.

They go three miles into my country,

And he could have tunnels all over that graveyard.


She knows where all our tunnels are.
