
音标/读音 [.tæmbә'ri:n]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 小手鼓

n. a shallow drum with a single drumhead and with metallic disks in the sides



Lexie, you were better than that girl who played the tambourine.

萊克茜 你比那個敲手鼓的女孩強

Nothing but luminous tambourines and a squeezebox concealed between the knees.

不就是用几面闪闪的鼓 和藏在膝盖间的小风琴故弄玄虚吗

They'd only let her play tambourine in their little muppet band.

他们只会让她在小小的木偶乐队里 敲击小鼓

Yeah, milady said she used to play tambourine for you guys.

没错 那位女士说她曾是乐队的小鼓手

I got talking with one of these young men in orange who bang their tambourines in the precinct.

我跟一个穿橘*的年轻人聊天 他们在附近敲铃鼓