
音标/读音 ['ændi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 安迪(男子名, 等于Andrew)



Andi was a bummer, they needed this.

安迪是扫把星 大家都想看她笑话

Andi, honey, you have to believe me.

安迪 亲爱的 你必须相信我

Andy, this idiot has no idea what he's doing.

安迪 这*根本不知道自己在做什么

Andy, you've been through this before, but never from this side.

安迪 你经历过这种事 但从未站在这一边

Andy, don't tell me this stunt was your doing.

安迪 别告诉我这是你干的好事

Andy, I had no idea you were so good with babies.

安迪 我都不知道你这么会带孩子

Andy, they don't want to see my hats.

安迪 她们才没兴趣看我设计的帽子呢

Andie, I am loving your notes on this piece.

安蒂 我喜欢你做的笔记

Andy, would you help me pick up the sheet? I'll do that.

安迪 你能帮我把床单收好吗 我来

Andy. I may have fixed her cabinet.

安迪 我还帮她修了柜子