
音标/读音 ['rainәu]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 钱, 现金, 犀牛

n massive powerful herbivorous odd-toed ungulate of southeast Asia and Africa having very thick skin and one or two horns on the snout



He's a tough man with the thick skin of a northern white rhino, but the heart of a *aller, lesswhite rhino.

他是一个有着 北白犀般深厚外表的男人 但内心却没那麽强大

I have a valid license to hunt that rhino.

我有许可证 可以狩猎犀牛

A fox, a bear, a leopard, and a rhino.

狐狸 熊 猎豹 和犀牛

Anybody that's not a big pig or a big rhino.

不是长得一脸猪样或犀牛样的 都是入侵者

Rhinos are my least favorite animals at the zoo.


There's enough monosodium glutamate in there to kill a rhino.


Yeah, I'll just, I'll keep a watch on the rhino.

好 我就 我就盯着点犀牛吧

One of them sounds almost like a rhino, but more nasal.

有的像犀牛的叫声 但鼻音更重

You know, like an ivory tusk or a rhino horn.


Unfortunately when you're looking for rhino poo, the source of it can't be far.

不幸的是 在找犀牛粪便时 犀牛往往也在附近