
音标/读音 [.әuvә'rʌn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 蔓延, 风行一时, 超过限度
vt. 蔓延, 蹂躏, 超过, 泛滥
vi. 泛滥, 超载限度
[计] 超限

v. seize the position of and defeat
v. run beyond or past



They must have been overrun during the night.


There won't be much time before we're overrun.


I didn't just the ranch was was overrun.

我没有... 农场沦陷了

We passed it on the way in, but it's overrun.

我们进来时曾路过 但那里已经沦陷了

If that barn had any more, we could've been overrun.

如果那个谷仓里行尸更多的话 我们就搞不定了

We'll drive into them from here and overrun them to the flat.

我们会从这里进攻 然后将他们驱赶到平原区

We believe her security detail was overrun.


Ben, the cost overruns on this hotel of yours.

本 你那酒店的成本远远超出了预算

If word got out, it could be overrun or taken from you.

要是消息走漏 也许就走不成了

Nor are we overrunning rural, pastoral landscapes.
