
音标/读音 [tʃi:k]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 颊, 厚颜, 脸蛋
[医] 颊

n. either side of the face below the eyes
v. speak impudently to



I'm talking cheek to cheek, neck to noggin.


Boob, boob, vagina, butt cheek, butt cheek.

* * 小妹妹 * *

You just scrape the left side of your cheek and then the right side of your cheek.

先刮拭左边口腔粘膜 再刮拭右边的

Imagine being able to dance cheek to cheek with your boyfriend during your bright college days.

试想一下 你能和你男朋友 在美好的大学时光里相拥共舞

He would make these big eyes, and then a tear would start falling down his cheek, just one, halfway down his cheek.

他会瞪大他的眼睛 然后脸上会慢慢滑下一滴眼泪 就一滴 挂在脸颊上

On that world tour back in '91, he spent half his time onstage and half his time with his nose between my cheeks, my butt cheeks.

在91年的全球巡演 他一半的时间在台上表演 另一半的时间都埋在我的两颊里猛吸 我的*两颊

Eskimo kiss, butterfly kiss, cheek kiss, cheek kiss, and one last kiss for your palm to ball up and stick in your heart.

爱斯基摩式亲亲 蝴蝶式亲亲 脸颊亲亲 脸颊亲亲 最后一个亲亲放在手心里 握住了放进心里

We also have the entire right cheek bone, as well as a portion of the left cheek bone and a portion of bone that continues over and above the opening for the left ear.

整个右颊骨 还有一部分左颊骨 以及一部分 延伸到左耳开口处的骨头

And not just on the cheek, but on the mouth.

而且不是吻脸颊 是要吻嘴唇

She was leaving, and I kissed her on the cheek.

她要走了 我吻了她的臉頰