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◎ 单词释义




I don't remember there being this much mold on the ribcage before.


All you gotta do is break in there, kill him, open up his ribcage.

你要做的就是闯进去 杀了他 打开他的胸腔

When the screaming starts, you want to stab this up under his ribcage.

尖叫开始后 你会想把这个刺进他的胸腔

We're trying to determine if the cuts on his ribcage spell out a word.

我们试图研判 他肋骨上的割痕 是否为一个字眼

Access to the pelvic organs secured with one incision ribcage to pubis.

一刀刺入盆腔内器官 从胸腔切到耻骨

Now I need to enlarge the victim's ribcage in order to allow for gender difference.

先放大肋骨照片 才能辨别性别不同之处

Pregnant girl, she dies from a gunshot that goes up through her ribcage, puncturing an artery near her heart.

那个怀孕的女孩是中枪死的 子弹从肋骨下方射入 贯穿心脏附近的动脉