
音标/读音 [,kwɔdri'pledʒik,-'pli:-]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 四肢瘫痪者
a. 四肢瘫痪的

n. a person who is paralyzed in both arms and both legs



All the spots are full, but there's a quadriplegic.

虽说已经没名额了 不过有个参加的小孩四肢瘫痪

Or it's a spinal fracture and you're a quadriplegic for life.

也可能是脊椎骨折 你下半辈子都会四肢瘫痪

It's like having one of those helper monkeys that quadriplegics get.


Found on handsfree drinking systems used by quadriplegics.

一般用在为四肢瘫痪的人 设计的免提饮水系统上

His wife was killed instantly, and his daughter became a quadriplegic.

他的妻子当场死亡 女儿四肢瘫痪

As a quadriplegic, the line connecting your brain to your limbs has been cut.

你四肢瘫痪 大脑和你的四肢连接已经切断

To a quadriplegic, an ingrown toenail has the same urgency as a heart attack.

对于四肢瘫痪者来说 内生趾甲都和心脏病一样危险

So, you know, your father becomes a quadriplegic by falling off a roof, with no insurance.

*因为从屋顶上摔下来 瘫痪了 还没保险赔偿

I hear you're putting a lot more mileage on that wheelchair than the average quadriplegic.

我听说 你轮椅的里程数 远超负荷

She has quadriplegic cerebral palsy, so ever since she was born, she could neither move nor talk.

她患有脑性四肢瘫痪 所以从她出生以来 她既不能行动 也不能说话