
音标/读音 ['stɔ:ribɔ:d]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. (电影、电视节目或商业广告等的)情节串连图板



When I sit down to storyboard, I come up with my best ideas in the process of making my sketches.

当我坐在故事板前 打草稿的过程中 我会想出我最好的点子

To achieve their goal, they had to combine their experience as wildlife filmmakers with techniques learned from the world of feature films, using special effects, storyboards, but most crucially of all, a great cast of characters.

为达成这一目标 必须将他们作为野生动物制片人的经验 和从电影界中学得的技巧结合起来 运用特效 故事画板 最重要的是 绝佳的演员组合