
音标/读音 ['mʌri, 'm\\:-]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 默里(男子名);墨累河(澳大利亚东南部一条河流)

n. British classical scholar (born in Australia) who advocated the League of Nations and the United Nations (1866-1957)
n. Scottish philologist and the lexicographer who shaped the Oxford English Dictionary (1837-1915)
n. a southeast Australian river; flows westward and then south into the Indian Ocean at Adelaide



Murray, if you could get on the ballistics.

莫里 你马上处理这份弹道报告

Murray, I know about the furniture store.

默里 我知道了家具店的事

Murray, I don't understand why you insist he plays.

默里 我不明白你为什么坚持让他参赛

And murray is but a leaf on my mighty gust.


Murray anything out of the ordinary, abort.

莫里 发现任何反常 立刻叫停

Murray, we agreed not to mention that place.

默里 我们说好了不提这个地方

Murray got a tip on this loan shark.


Murray, you can come over for any game you want.

默里 你想什么时候来看比赛都行

Murray, let me put some salad on your plate.

默里 让我给你盘子里盛点沙拉

Murray, my baby and her strangesounding friend really did it.

默里 我的宝贝和她声音很怪的朋友成功了