
音标/读音 [i'mu:vәbl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 固定的, 不动的, 不改变的
[经] 固定的, 不可移动的

s. not able or intended to be moved



as an immovable bulwark in the face of change.


An unstoppable force meets an immovable mass.


Perhaps my immovable object is closer than I thought.


The unstoppable force in search of her immovable object.


I can reach back into what should be immovable, beautiful memories and...twist them.

我可以触碰到不该改变的事情 美好的记忆 并扭曲它们

And I've already been approached by everyone in the room, and I'm sorry, but I am an immovable not guilty.

大家都已经找过我了 抱歉 但我还是坚定要投无罪

If you take 100 people and have them pushing against an immovable object, and if each one of them is able to exert something like 50 pounds of push, that totals about 5,000 pounds of pressure.

如果你让一百个人 去推一个固定不动的物体 如果每个人施加的推力 大概有220牛顿 合起来就有两万多牛顿