
音标/读音 ['dʒɒ:ndis]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 黄疸, 偏见, 乖僻
vt. 使患黄疸, 使怀偏见

n. yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by an accumulation of bile pigment (bilirubin) in the blood; can be a symptom of gallstones or liver infection or anemia
v. distort adversely
v. affect with, or as if with, jaundice



You were quite jaundiced when you arrived.

你刚入院时 患有较严重的黄疸

Look for anything that would account for the jaundice.


Preceded by jaundice and fungal nodules, neither of which I have.

身上还会出现黄疸和真菌肿块 这些我都没有

Your child has been diagnosed with a severe case of jaundice.


Laura is emaciated, lethargic, and profoundly jaundiced.

劳拉消瘦 虚弱 并且黄疸很严重

The jaundice turned his eyes the color of the rising sun.


Eczema on the scalp and skin, jaundice, poor nutrition.

头皮和皮肤上有湿疹 黄疸 营养不良

You see all the jaundice? I think you're gonna need to sit down.

看见黄疸了吗 你得立刻坐下

Those kids had no rash, no jaundice, no physical signs of the pathogen whatsoever.

那些孩子没有皮疹 没有黄疸 也没有任何病菌引起的生理反应

Cholangitis is indicated by pain, fever and jaundice of which your patient only has one.

胆管炎的症状是腹痛 发热和黄疸 而你这位患者只有腹痛