
音标/读音 ['penitәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 忏悔的, 悔悟的, 表示悔罪的
n. 忏悔的人, 悔罪者

n. (Roman Catholic Church) a person who repents for wrongdoing (a Roman Catholic may be admitted to penance under the direction of a confessor)
a. feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds



He is not being compelled, and she is not his penitent.

他不是*的 她也不是他的忏悔者

Tell them no penitence is ever enough.


Have you lost your mind? ...and live his life as a penitent.

你疯了吗 作为忏悔者度过终生

I'm very often grateful for the screen as much as the penitent is.

我也很感激那屏风 像忏悔者一样感激

The stairs to forgiveness are built with honesty and penitence.


I get to feelin' penitent, I'll let you know.

我要是想忏悔 会来找你的

And I penitently bear the bruises of the lesson you so ably administered.

而且我真心接受你给我的 适当教训

For confession to mean somethin, you must have a penitent heart.

为了让忏悔有意义 你必须要有一颗悔过的心

A penitent soul holds more value than kindling for a fire.


We, the penitent, with humble heart, upon this threshold do summon thee.

吾等有罪之人 怀谦愧之心 值此关键之时召唤尔等