
音标/读音 [ʌn'feiθfəlnis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 不忠实;不信守婚誓

n the quality of being unfaithful



Now that he knows she was unfaithful, it's over.

他知道了她不忠 他俩的感情就结束了

I was actually the unfaithful one in my marriage.

在我的婚姻中 是我不忠

But I suppose I'd rather have thick than unfaithful.

但我宁愿有个愚蠢的男友 而不是花心的

I am a physical reminder of the fact that you were unfaithful to your wife.

我的存在就会时时刻刻提醒大家 你对你的妻子不忠

I just found out my wife was unfaithful to me before she died.

我刚刚发现我妻子在世时 曾对我不忠

I'm capable of being unfaithful to my hu*and, whom I love dearly.

会有不忠行为 这让我感到非常痛心

This star is for telling a spouse his partner was unfaithful.


There was a point in time when both of us were unfaithful in our marriage.

有一段时间我俩 都对婚姻不忠

Well, you just don't strike me as the unfaithful type.


I can assure you I've never been unfaithful to my hu*and.
