音标/读音 []
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[计] 逻辑单元, 逻辑部件
[医] 镥(71号元素)

n a trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; usually occurs in association with yttrium



Lu, thank you for reaching out to the paper.

卢 谢谢你在报纸上写的文章

Lu, you can't publish this, especially not locally.

小卢 你不能发表 特别是本地杂志

Don't forget you have to take lu to swim practice tonight.


Lu has three brothers, so I guess there'll be eleven.

露有三个兄弟 所以我觉得有11个

J'ai lu quelque chose làdessus pendant mes études.


I thought I'd be able to see a pattern with maybe the colours and I put in key or ka for yellow and then maybe I thought lu could mean two.

我以为我能够通过颜色来识别它们 认为音节"key"或"ka"代表* 以为音节"lu"的意思是"二"