
音标/读音 [sә'prænәu]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 女高音, 最高音部, 女高音歌手
a. 女高音的

n. a female singer
n. the highest female voice; the voice of a boy before puberty
n. the pitch range of the highest female voice
s. having or denoting a high range



The piece you chose is really better for soprano voices, not mezzo sopranos like your own.

你选的这段歌曲更适合女高音 不适合你这样的女中音

I am a soprano. I have never sung alto.

我是女高音 我從來沒唱過女低音

Right, so everyone who's standing, you're a soprano.

对 所以现在还站着的各位 你们是女高音

I hear the soprano has a great set of pipes on her.


I was convinced a famous soprano was practising upstairs.


It's very important to make people understand that a soprano and a baritone, they are the most natural voices.

人们知道这一点很重要 女高音和男中音才是最自然的声音

The beauty of this arrangement is its simplicity basic harmonies beneath a soprano solo.

这个编曲的美妙之处在于简单 只需要在女高音独唱之下加入基本的和声

I mean, two weeks in the kids' choir, and they moved me directly up to the * soprano section.

在儿童唱诗班呆了两周 他们就直接把我调去了*高音声部

And don't think you're not in danger just because you're a handsome idiot, a debonair homosexual, a hapless invalid, or a strapping male soprano.

别以为你们没有危险 虽然你们是 帅气的* 儒雅的同性恋 倒霉的残废 和女高音汉子

Mystery man sends menacing note demanding a certain diva soprano gets recast or else.

神秘男子寄来恐吓信 要求由特定的人出演女主角