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◎ 单词释义

a. 压紧的, 紧紧连在一起的, 压实的

v have the property of being packable or of compacting easily
v compress into a wad
v make more compact by or as if by pressing
v squeeze or press together



There's vertical compaction, and there's horizontal compaction.

一是垂直压实 二是水平压实

And the reason why, as that hard, compacted layer swells and then, in the spring, thaws back out and settles back down, there's really no breaking up of the compaction.

因为坚硬紧实的地层膨胀 在春天解冻后会重回原位 其实根本没有打破压实层

What do you make of this? It's a compact.

你觉得这是什么 是个粉盒

Here and here on the outer compact bone.


I know where I am with a compact disc.

有了光盘 我才能知道自己的位置

Its seed is a compact survival capsule.


Homicide found her compact on the ground.


We had a compact or whatever the * you called it.

不管你叫它什么 我们是有一纸合约

I think I left my compact in the room.


Our killer used a *all, compact weapon.
