
音标/读音 ['sʌbsikwәntli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 后来, 随后

r. happening at a time subsequent to a reference time



And his subsequent burning of her church.


And subsequently for the estate prior to her death.

生前的财产由谁接管 也未交待

After which, there was a prolonged sleep and subsequent amnesia.

发作后 她会昏睡很久 醒来后记忆全无

And it's been the same story for every subsequent search.


The pilot was killed in the subsequent firefight.


It's on me to be ready to address any subsequent instability.

应对任何 即将出现的不安定情况是我的职责

He was subsequently further arrested for a serious sexual assault.


And the police subsequently looked for the car but couldn't find it.

随后警察找了那辆车 但没找到

I went through your findings and subsequent monthslong investigation.

我查阅了你们的调查结果 以及你们后续数月的调查

some writings, postings of yours from 2012, which you subsequently deleted.

你在2012年写的 发在网上的 随后又被你删除的一些话