
音标/读音 [in'fleim]
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◎ 单词释义

vt. 激怒, 点火, 激起
vi. 着火, 激动, 发炎

v. cause inflammation in
v. arouse or excite feelings and passions
v. become inflamed; get sore



It's inflaming your diaphragm which caused your hiccups.

使你的隔膜发炎 导致你打嗝

It inflames, feeds the brain, and moves the spirit.

它燃烧 进入大脑 感动灵魂

It's inflamed and swollen, and irritating your abdominal wall.

发炎又肿胀 *到你的腹壁

I can't eat too much cheese. It inflames my colon.

我不能吃太多奶酪 会让我得结肠炎的

The more effort it takes to orga*, the more you irritate it, and the more it inflames your arthritis.

实现*需要的努力越多 你给予更多的* 关节炎就越严重

Inflamed tissue, but there's no blood pool, so this was done postmortem.

印记周围红肿 但没有大滩血渍 也就是说这印记是死后才有的

Kevin's bowel is so inflamed, it's become dangerously dilated.

凯文的肠炎很严重 并且炎症危险地在扩张

I don't think you need mother's books to inflame that imagination of yours.

你的想象力已经够丰富了 用不着再读母亲的书了

If inhaled, caustic chemicals could also inflame the lungs.

如果被吸入 腐蚀性物质也会*肺部

It was fairly inflamed, so we also placed antibioticloaded cement spacers.

炎症非常严重 所以我们放置了一个抗生素骨水泥占位器