
音标/读音 ['filθi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 污秽的, 丑恶的

s. disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter



I went on a threeweek vacation and all I have to show for it is a filthy beach bum whose filthy beach bum is on my silk pillows.

我出去度假三周 回来时唯一的成果 就是个肮脏的沙滩流浪汉 他那肮脏的* 坐在了我的丝绸枕头上

Come on! It's not my fault you're filthy.

拜托 你身上脏又不是我的错

Yeah, and have you been to their house? It's filthy.

你去过他们家吗 恶心死了

And then again, she was pulled from that filthy river.

还有 她是从那条脏河里捞出来的

As in, if money was dirt, he's filthy.

如果他的钱不干净 那他肯定也有问题

How did you not see the glass? It's so filthy.

你怎么会没看见玻璃呢 那么脏的

That's what's left of your filthy kind.


Tonight, he bathes in his filthy glory.

今晚 他享受着那肮脏的荣耀

Yes, she's filthy, but you cannot let it get to you.

她是很恶心 但你不能因此和自己过不去

I'm poor, and I'm living in a filthy thimble.

我真可怜 住在这么脏的小房子里面