
音标/读音 ['dimwit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 傻瓜

n. a stupid incompetent person



Don't tell me your squire is as dimwitted as our squire.


And my place is toast, thanks to this dimwit.

由于这傻瓜 我家已经回不去了

You know, his mother used to call him a dimwit.

知道吗 *妈以前管他叫傻子

You really don't need to speak to me like I'm dimwitted.


I'm not gonna stand here and be judged by this middlebrow dimwit.

我才不会站在这里 被这些中庸的傻子评论

It's, like, give me the damn kid, you dimwits.

我就想说 把孩子给我 你们这群笨蛋

You must really have taken me for a dimwitted schmoe.


I still don't know what the hell you dimwits were thinking.


I write my name on the bottle for a reason, dimwit.

我在瓶子上写上我的名字是有原因的 *

No. I want to watch that show with all the dimwits on the airplane.

不 我想看那部 一群傻帽在飛機上的劇