
音标/读音 ['skweltʃ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 嘎吱声, 压碎的一堆, 使对手哑口无言的话
vt. 压碎, 镇压, 使咯吱咯吱响
vi. 咯吱咯吱响, 涉水而过
[计] 撤消权限

v. suppress or crush completely
v. make a sucking sound
v. walk through mud or mire



You might have noticed, but these people are tough to squelch.

你也许注意到了 这些人很难被压制

Catch his brains in a bucket give them a squelch and jam them back in.

把他的脑子装进个桶里 把它们压成型再塞回去