
音标/读音 [kәn'skripʃәn]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 征兵, 募兵, 征用(制度)
[法] 征兵, 征用

n. compulsory military service



You're being conscripted for a military mission.


I won't be conscripted into your moral army.


But then, well, that's conscripts for you, I guess.

不过 征召来的也就这样了

I think it's conscripts who are heading off on the train.


In lieu of prison, he's been conscripted for military service.

免除牢狱之苦 他已被应征入伍了

I want to conscript you all to act as a search party.


Finally, we are conscripting new troops from the north.

最后 我们从北方征来了新的军队

Imagine what we could have done if we conscripted the entire city.

想想如果我们召集全城 会是什么结果

Those who weren't conscripted to fight in his war they were never seen again.

那些不愿应征为他而战的人 再也没有出现过

I will not go into battle alongside undisciplined conscripts.

我不会和一群毫无组织纪律的 应征士兵去打仗