
音标/读音 ['riŋә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 套环, 投环, 按铃者, 敲钟者

n. a person who is almost identical to another
n. a contestant entered in a competition under false pretenses
n. (horseshoes) the successful throw of a horseshoe or quoit so as to encircle a stake or peg



Ringers are supposed to be off. ?It is off.

闹钟本应该都关掉的 是都关掉了

I know you've been through the ringer recently.


Least of all with a ringer involved.


Because he was a ringer, a phony, a fraud.

因为他是个骗子 假货 赝品

Because I'm gonna put you through the ringer tomorrow.


"...and a dead ringer for his handsome dad.


I put you through the ringer, accused you of murder.

我给你带来了巨大的痛苦 指控你杀人

I just don't know if I left my ringer on.


and you need to talk, I'll keep my ringer on.

需要找人谈谈 我不会把手机静音

I'm just saying, the guy's been put through the ringer.

我只是说 这人受了不少罪