
音标/读音 [.ʌn'blemiʃt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 无瑕疵的, 无缺点的, 无污点的, 清白的

a. free from physical or moral spots or stains



unblemished and free of disease the very pick of the crop.

无人染指 健康 万里挑一

I hoped you'd remain unblemished and come to understand me on your own.

我希望你完好无损 并且开始理解我

No, what I want back I can't get my innocence, my pride, and my unblemished alabaster skin.

我想要的已经一去不返了 我的天真骄傲 还有我洁白无暇的光滑肌肤

You've made the assumption that I'm looking for people who are pure of heart, unblemished, pure lily white.

你假定 我寻找的是心地纯粹的人 毫无瑕疵的洁白

An investigation into an officer of our own, an officer of upstanding reputation with an unblemished record on sanctioned leave, during a tour of duty, would be a detriment to the war effort.

针对我们自己的军官展开调查 这位军官名声清白 毫无劣迹 而且事情发生在执勤期间 获准休假时 这对战情会造成损害