
音标/读音 ['eidʒәnsi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 代理机构, 经销商, 中介
[化] 办事处

n. an administrative unit of government
n. a business that serves other businesses
n. the state of being in action or exerting power



But just remember, the agency, our agency, it outlasts presidents.

可你得记住 情报局 我们的情报局 比总统任期长

首执视野品牌战略咨询公司总裁兼首席执行官 it was also boom times for advertising agencies because all of those brands all of a sudden really needed agency partners to help 'em develop their campaign.

弗兰克·凯利三世 这也是广告公司蓬勃发展的时期 因为所有这些品牌突然间 都需要代理机构帮忙宣传他们的活动

So, when the dotcom boom happened, it was also boom times for advertising agencies because all of those brands all of a sudden really needed agency partners to help 'em develop their campaign.

当网络繁荣之时 也是广告公司繁荣之时 因为突然之间 所有的品牌 都迫切需要代理合作伙伴帮助他们推广活动

He was done with the agency, all of it.


What's that? It's from the adoption agency.

那是什么 领养机构寄来的

All of our intelligence agencies are into it.


Which is why the agency had no record of her.


It's not his plane. It's the agency's.

那不是他的飞机 是航天局的

I would not be in the possession of a government agency.


The agency knows who he is, but they won't say.

中情局知道他的身份 但不肯告诉我们