
音标/读音 [rәug]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 恶棍, 流氓, 小淘气
vt. 欺骗
vi. 游手好闲

n. a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel



So, right now, downtown, one group of rogue agents has taken another group of rogue agents hostage.

也就是说 目前在市中心 有一群叛乱特工 抓了另一群叛乱特工当作人质

We're not dealing with a rogue nationstate here.


No, I swear to you both, it was some rogue faction.

不是我们 我发誓 是一些流氓派别干的

It's their rogue agent that we're hunting.


He went rogue. It's our only defense.

他失控了 这是我们唯一的辩护词

Because if I'm right, this is not some rogue's creation at all.

因为如果我想的没错 这绝不是什么流氓能研制出来的

Only my partner, but he's working rogue.

只有我的搭档 不过他玩忽职守

I need you to bring me a rogue breakout.


And I'll wager the rogue agents are armed.


I should have checked the grounds for any rogue hives.

我本应彻查各处 铲除野蜂巢的