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◎ 单词释义

n. 羊毛, 毛织物, 毛线, 绒线
[医] 羊毛, 绒毛, 棉[花]

n. a fabric made from the hair of sheep
n. fiber sheared from animals (such as sheep) and twisted into yarn for weaving
n. outer coat of especially sheep and yaks



Food tastes like cotton wool, people are behind a wall of cotton wool, and I'm not real.

食物尝起来像棉花 人们藏在一堵棉墙后 我不是真实的

What is this, wool? I think so, yeah.

什么做的 羊毛吗 应该是

And some of it's wool, so dry flat if possible.

其中有些是羊毛的 尽量平摊晾干

They were for making babies and making wool.


Because it's cold, if you haven't noticed under your wool shirt.

因为冷啊 你穿着羊毛衫可能没注意到

Wool is always the most versatile of cloths.


Just show me there's no cotton wool.


You gotta show me there's no cotton wool.


I'm wondering if the wool is being pulled over america's eyes.

我好奇美国人民 是否受到了欺骗

I had a meeting with a wool trader in the village anyway.
