
音标/读音 ['pi:әn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 劳工, 短工, 马夫, 劳役犯, (土著)警察, 勤杂工
[法] 被强制执行劳役以抵偿罚金的人

n a laborer who is obliged to do menial work



You'll have nine to five covers as park peons.


And now you can't have that, so you need to be king of the hospital and kick around the peons.

现在这头把交椅你坐不上了 就想把全医院的人都踩在脚下 随意支使我们这些做苦力的

we're not debt peons, we may be rats running around a little wheel in somebody's big cage somewhere.

我们不是债奴 我们也许是别人的大笼子里 没命跑滚轮的小老鼠

I expect you to convince those brainless peons out there in the audience that this is the perfect place to buy a house, or none of you will be living here much longer.

我希望你们能够说服 观众里那群没脑子的拉丁苦工们 这里是购置房屋的绝佳地方 否则你们都要滚出这里

The reason they even hire peons like me is 'cause I'm willing to look the other way and push the right papers for 'em, *all stuff, incorporation documents.

他们雇我这种人 就是因为我愿睁一只眼闭一只眼 替他们办需要办的文件 小事 企业文件