
音标/读音 ['i:nɔk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 伊诺克(男子名)



Enoch wouldn't do that. It It doesn't make any sense.

伊诺克绝不会的 这没道理

Enoch, you are to be judged for tampering with the universe.

伊诺克 你将因篡改宇宙而受到审判

It's possible enoch deposited these over the decades.


Enoch had you unconscious and was implanting something in your brain.

伊诺克把你弄昏了 还在你脑子里植入了什么

Enoch usually does it, but like I said, he's off sulking somewhere.

一般是伊诺克帮我 但是... 他现在躲起来生闷气了

Enoch said this will be the team's last mission together.


Enoch said he sent you 100 years into the future, if you can believe that.

伊诺克说他把你送到一百年后了 简直难以置信

Enoch, I need you to do something for me, but it is going to require countermanding an order I gave you.

伊诺克 我需要你为我做件事 但这会有违 我给你下过的一个命令