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◎ 单词释义

n. 吕西安(男子名)



Lucien, I didn't come here to chinwag.

盧西安 我不是來閑聊的

Lucien's blood is all over my apartment.


Lucien's venom is derived from all seven packs.


Lucien's seer believes there's an object capable of killing you.

卢西安的预言家说 有件物品可以杀死你

Lucien, you were sent to fetch the conte du guise.

卢西安 你该去接德·吉斯伯爵的

Lucien engineered a pure strain of wolf venom.


Lucien has a taste for hyperbole, although in this case, he's rather on point.

卢西安喜欢夸张 然而在个案件上 他说到点子上了

Lucien is a means to their ends, and they won't let anyone stand in their way.

卢西安只是达成他们目的的手段 他们不会让任何人妨碍他们的

Lucien's working very hard to cover up these wolf kidnappings and I want to know why.

卢西安大费周章去掩盖这些狼人被绑一事 我要查明原因

Lucien and I had spent a day or so wandering around the island, and now we were driving home.

卢锡安和我花了差不多一天时间 在岛上溜达 当时我们正在开车回家的路上