
音标/读音 ['ʃu:lis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 不穿鞋的, 赤脚的, 没有鞋的

s without shoes



Your shoeless lawyer took the deeds when she left.


with every shoeless, mouthbreathing hobo that trundles into my office.

和每一个*鞋子大口喘气 贸贸然 闯进我办公室的流浪汉闲扯

I'm leaving this wretched city as fast as I can before that shoeless zealot throws me into one of his cells.

我要尽快离开这座可恶的城市 趁那*鞋的狂徒还没把我也丢进牢里

I had to stop a fistfight between two shoeless meth heads fighting over an empty cottage cheese container.

我必须要阻止两个赤脚瘾君子 因为一盒空的白干酪而打架

She wouldn't be, because we had some shoeless little lad come wheeling and hammering on the door saying his mother was starving and sickly and like to die and all her children like to die with her.

她肯定不在 因为有个光脚的小伙子 骑自行车过来 使劲敲门 说*妈又饿又病 快要死掉了 她的孩子也都要跟她一起死掉了

Every shoeless shepherd, every farm boy dreaming on a haystack, even every clerk with slicked back hair finds love, except me.

连没鞋穿的牧羊人 连天天躺在草垛上做梦的农家小子 连梳个背头人模狗样的文员都能找到爱情 我却不行