
音标/读音 ['kwaiә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 唱诗班, 唱诗班的席位
v. 合唱

n. a chorus that sings as part of a religious ceremony
n. a family of similar musical instrument playing together
n. the area occupied by singers; the part of the chancel between sanctuary and nave
v. sing in a choir



You're still preaching to your choir. I'm not in your choir.

你还是在长篇大论 我可不买账

I think there were 400 people in the choir, and they were all up there, and there was an orchestra on the choir screen.

我觉得唱诗班有四百人 他们都在那上面 有一支管弦乐队在唱诗班后面

They should be out on the field, not in choir.

他们该去外面 不是参加合唱团

What's he doing here? I don't do children's choirs.

他跑来这里干什么 我可不指挥儿童唱诗班

No, it should be the carpetbagger and the choir.

不 應該是北佬投機者和唱詩班

And there was a choir practising this.


Sister, you are preaching to the choir.

姐们儿 你这是班门弄斧了

No question, I'm... I'm no choir boy.

毫无疑问 我不是什么好人

He should be in the kid's choir at my church.


Then maybe we ought to check out the choir.
