
音标/读音 ['kɒliflauә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 花椰菜
[医] 花椰菜(菜花)

n. a plant having a large edible head of crowded white flower buds
n. compact head of white undeveloped flowers



Maybe the cauliflower man's not the only one we should be worried about.

或许我们要担心的 不止花椰菜男一个人

...broccoli, and combine cauliflower and string beans.

...西兰花 再加上花椰菜和豆角

you're supposed to be eating mashed cauliflower, not potatoes.

你应该吃花椰菜 而不是土豆泥

Took him all night, but he found it, underneath a fivedayold cauliflower.

找了一整晚 但他找到了 在放了5天的花椰菜下

Tonight we're having kale, chia seeds and cauliflower salad.

今晚我們吃蔬菜湯 奇亞籽跟花菜沙拉

Jerry, this monitor's reading that you shouldn't have had the cauliflower at the prelaunch dinner.

杰瑞 根据显示屏指数 你起飞前的最后一餐 不该吃花椰菜

He said you could have cauliflower too, so long as I make sure it's steamed.

他说你也能吃花菜 只要是蒸熟的

I need to release the pressure around the cartilage or it will cauliflower.

我要减轻软骨的压力 否则会爆

He's got a broken nose and cauliflower ears, flabby from where he has taken all those blows.

他鼻骨断裂 双耳伤残 因所承受的重击而显得松弛无力

Now, get the chicken in the oven right away, then peel the potatoes and prepare the cauliflower.

立刻把鸡肉放进烤箱里 然后削土豆 准备好花椰菜