
音标/读音 ['elifәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 象

n. five-toed pachyderm
n. the symbol of the Republican Party; introduced in cartoons by Thomas Nast in 1874



What we want to do is determine if there's a healthy population, a viable population of elephants in this part of the range, because if there is, there's a very good chance that the forest is healthy north of here and that it will also support additional herds of elephant, so we could be looking at an extensive range that has a large population of elephants along most of its length.

我们要确认这个区域内 是否存在健康的 在繁殖的亚洲象种群 因为如果一旦存在 那么这里以北的森林 很有可能是健康的 也可以为其他象群提供生存条件 因此摆在我们眼前的 是这整片森林内 都应该生活着大量亚洲象

And all night there were these extraordinary elephant sounds because elephants don't sleep like we do.

那一整晚 大象的美妙歌声充斥着我的耳朵 因为大象不像我们这样睡觉

This place gives me a lot of hope in terms of elephant conservation, just because the elephants aren't accessible.

这里让我看到了保护大象的希望 因为人们无法接近大象

The amazing thing is that it is almost perfect elephant habitat, but the fact is, very, very little is known about the elephants that actually live here.

好消息是这里是个几近完美的象群栖息地 但事实上 我们对生活在 这里的亚洲象所知甚少

What I'm doing is I'm trying to capture vocal sequences between elephants in the clearing in order to build up an elephant lexicon, what these vocalisations mean.

我现在的工作就是努力 找寻象群在盐湖沐浴时的叫声 与行为的对应关系 以期建立一部关于象的行为词典

And watching an elephant grow from childhood to *hood has been astonishing to see the changes and how much they really have to learn to become an elephant.

一头幼象长大成年的时间里 它所经历的改变是惊人的 在此期间 它需要学习很多东西

So I suppose the big challenge, as a film maker and a photographer, was to try and give a sense of what elephants are like to spend time with the essence of elephants, how complicated they are.

所以我认为 作为摄影师或摄像师的最大挑战是 用一个镜头来表现 和大象在一起是什么感觉 大象的本质是什么 有多么复杂

I'm hopeful that we're going to see some trails, some elephant trails, maybe some disturbed vegetation, thick bamboo breaks, places where the elephants have been feeding in the bamboo, that should stand out.

我有信心能找寻到一些线索 一些大象留下的象道 也许是被破坏的植被 或者厚竹林 大象吃过竹子的地方 应该很显眼

Andrea wants local people to understand the value of elephants, not just as intelligent, interesting animals, but because, in their secret wanderings, elephants influence the shape and richness of the forest itself.

安德莉亚希望当地人民 能够了解大象的价值 它们不单单是聪明有趣的动物 而且象群在森林里 秘密巡游的同时 也会影响森林的形态 丰富森林的资源

Where we are at the moment, it does look good for elephants, but we really have to get into the areas that are away from these roads, that are away from human activity, and only then will we see signs of elephants and hopefully see the animals themselves.

就目前的情况来看 这里确实很适合亚洲象生存 但我们必须继续深入 只有在远离公路 人迹罕至的地方 我们才能看到亚洲象留下的踪迹 甚至可以看到它们的真身