
音标/读音 [tɒil]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 辛苦, 苦工, 网, 罗网, 圈套
vi. 苦干, 跋涉

n productive work (especially physical work done for wages)
v work hard



Each living in opulence while you toiled.


Michelangelo toiled away into his 80s on this.

米开朗基罗年届八十 却仍在为此辛劳

Yeah, I pulled myself up through blood and toil.

是啊 我踩着血肉一路往上爬

They toil to preserve the old while making it new.

辛勤工作着 为了保留旧的传统 使它保持活力

You must be after toiling in frivolity all day with these people.

整天跟这帮人混在一起说说笑笑的 肯定不乐意看到我

I know what it is to toil beneath lesser men.


I toiled in the gray of this room, but I never resented her.

我却在这里忍受阴霾 但我从未怨恨过她

And every day, he toiled to stop them from turning up.


Instead, she was sent back to toil in them fields.

但是 她被送回田里干粗活

Your jobs good, paying toil remain for you.
