
音标/读音 ['stensil]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 模版, 蜡纸
vt. 用蜡纸印, 用模版印刷

n. a sheet of material (metal, plastic, cardboard, waxed paper, silk, etc.) that has been perforated with a pattern (printing or a design); ink or paint can pass through the perforations to create the printed pattern on the surface below
v. mark or print with a stencil



You glittered where you should've laced, and you laced where you should've stenciled.

应该粘花边的地方你洒了闪粉 应该镂花的地方你粘了花边

And, undeniably, these hand stencils do what nearly all art that would follow would aspire to.

无可否认 这些手板画 做到了几乎后来所有艺术所追求的

And in these stencils, the style of the figures they create, juxtaposing an overarching aesthetic of humanity and pathos.

在这些模板里 他们创造出的图形风格 同时揭示了人性和病态的整体美学

A stencil that looked over the bad suit building man, looked down on the lawn gnome suburban lady.

用画像让那个穿劣质西装的包工头如芒在背 用画像来鄙视那个市郊来的矮个女人

He began using primarily stencils and wheat paste, but in recent years he's moved on to more site specific installation work.

最开始他是用 模板和小麦浆糊涂鸦 但最近几年 他的作品形式由具体场地而定