
音标/读音 ['kəʊpɪəslɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 丰富地, 充裕地

r in an abundant manner



And copious amounts of heroin between 1990 and 2009.

将近2吨可卡因 及大量海洛因

Teddy enjoys copious amounts of... winter sports.


I see you haven't made use of the copious free weights.


copious amounts of alcohol with a little truth or dare.


And sadly, knowing my mom, copious amounts of male nudity.

再加上是我老妈 很不幸 还得有大量裸男

All 3 women had copious amounts of blood in both their lungs and their stomachs.

三名女性的肺部和胃中 都淤积着大量血液

Processing the copious amounts of alcohol I send its way daily.


Well, apparently he was at one of your parties and indulged in a copious amount of cocaine.

他好像参加过你的一个派对 在派对上摄入了大量可卡因

Sometimes large copious amounts of *oke come out of these two chimneys.

有時候 那兩個大煙囪 冒出的煙霧太多了

She's the woman who keeps the market going by providing all the stallholders with copious quantities of tea.

她给这里所有的摊贩提供大量的茶水 从而使市场充满活力